Pronounce Complicated as K OW M P L IY K AH T EH D.
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difficult and involving many different parts
complicated(adj)difficult to analyze or understand
"a complicated problem"; "complicated Middle East politics"
having many parts or aspects that are usually interrelateda complicated apparatus
made or done with great care or with much detailcomplicated plans for redeveloping the riverfront that involve both the private and public sectors
My brother could not solve the complicated problem.
I have a complicated matter I want to discuss with you.
Your refusal to help complicated matters.
The machine was too complicated for us to find out the cause of the trouble.
Tom and Mary have a very complicated relationship.
The factory uses many complicated machines.
The writing style is much less complicated in this article.
This child solved the complicated mathematics problem easily.
It was a complicated question.
It was a very complicated world.