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to cause something to reach a lower temperature
cool(noun)the quality of being at a refreshingly low temperature
"the cool of early morning"
aplomb, assuredness, cool, poise, sang-froid(adj)great coolness and composure under strain
"keep your cool"
cool(adj)neither warm nor very cold; giving relief from heat
"a cool autumn day"; "a cool room"; "cool summer dresses"; "cool drinks"; "a cool breeze"
cool, coolheaded, nerveless(adj)marked by calm self-control (especially in trying circumstances); unemotional
"play it cool"; "keep cool"; "stayed coolheaded in the crisis"; "the most nerveless winner in the history of the tournament"
cool(adj)(color) inducing the impression of coolness; used especially of greens and blues and violets
"cool greens and blues and violets"
cool(adj)psychologically cool and unenthusiastic; unfriendly or unresponsive or showing dislike
"relations were cool and polite"; "a cool reception"; "cool to the idea of higher taxes"
cool(adj)(used of a number or sum) without exaggeration or qualification
"a cool million bucks"
cool(verb)fashionable and attractive at the time; often skilled or socially adept
"he's a cool dude"; "that's cool"; "Mary's dress is really cool"; "it's not cool to arrive at a party too early"
cool, chill, cool down(verb)make cool or cooler
"Chill the food"
cool, chill, cool down(verb)loose heat
"The air cooled considerably after the thunderstorm"
cool, cool off, cool down(verb)lose intensity
"His enthusiasm cooled considerably"
having or showing a lack of friendliness or interest in others the locals were cool towards outsidersthe schoolmaster's cool manner did not encourage chitchat
free from emotional or mental agitationin a crisis keep a cool head, even if no one else is
having a low or subnormal temperaturea cool basement that would be perfect for storing wine
lacking in friendliness or warmth of feelingdirected a cool glance at the student who was sneaking into class late
being in the latest or current fashionhad a cool new hairstyle
keenly aware of and responsive to the latest developments especially in fashion and entertainmenta Greek island that's the current favorite of the cool crowd
of the very best kinda really cool garage band that's starting to get some attention from the music industry
the absence of emotional involvementthe judge's customary cool stood her in good stead during the sensational trial
the quality or state of being fashionablea designer who was the arbiter of cool
evenness of emotions or temperdespite the flood of insults, the fledgling stand-up comic never lost his cool
to cause to lose heatcool your drinks in the icy mountain stream
to become still and orderlyafter the recess, tempers had cooled, and we could have a civil, rational discussion
I brought a jacket because it was quite cool this morning.
I was as cool as a cucumber.
Tom gave me a really cool gift.
I urged him to get away and cool down.
The cool air felt wonderful on my face.
Her cool gaze made my heart skip a beat.
It would be cool if I could speak three languages.
I thought I would be nervous, but I was cool as a cucumber.
Tom wants to be one of the cool kids.
Soon the bath was cool enough for him to get into.