Pronounce Cunning as K UW N N IY N G.
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something done skillfully or with clever deception
craft, craftiness, cunning, foxiness, guile, slyness, wiliness(noun)shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception
cunning(adj)crafty artfulness (especially in deception)
cunning, cute(adj)attractive especially by means of smallness or prettiness or quaintness
"a cute kid with pigtails"; "a cute little apartment"; "cunning kittens"; "a cunning baby"
crafty, cunning, dodgy, foxy, guileful, knavish, slick, sly, tricksy, tricky, wily(adj)marked by skill in deception
"cunning men often pass for wise"; "deep political machinations"; "a foxy scheme"; "a slick evasive answer"; "sly as a fox"; "tricky Dick"; "a wily old attorney"
clever, cunning, ingenious(adj)showing inventiveness and skill
"a clever gadget"; "the cunning maneuvers leading to his success"; "an ingenious solution to the problem"
clever at attaining one's ends by indirect and often deceptive meansa cunning, underhanded plan to win the election by preying on people's fears and prejudices
skillful with the handsonly the most cunning cabinetmaker could have crafted such a beautifully proportioned chest of drawers
skill in achieving one's ends through indirect, subtle, or underhanded meansthe cunning with which Tom Sawyer was able to get others to whitewash the fence for him
subtle or imaginative ability in inventing, devising, or executing somethingthe unmatched cunning of the scout who led them safely through the trackless wilderness
the inclination or practice of misleading others through lies or trickeryused cunning and subterfuge to lure unwitting victims into the fraudulent scheme
It is said that the fox is more cunning than any other animal.