Pronounce Decent as D EH K EH N T.
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modest or proper
decent, nice(adj)socially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous
"from a decent family"; "a nice girl"
becoming, comely, comme il faut, decent, decorous, seemly(adj)according with custom or propriety
"her becoming modesty"; "comely behavior"; "it is not comme il faut for a gentleman to be constantly asking for money"; "a decent burial"; "seemly behavior"
decent(adj)conforming to conventions of sexual behavior
"speech in this circle, if not always decent, never became lewd"- George Santayana
adequate, decent, enough(adj)sufficient for the purpose
"an adequate income"; "the food was adequate"; "a decent wage"; "enough food"; "food enough"
decent(adj)decently clothed
"are you decent?"
decent(adverb)observing conventional sexual mores in speech or behavior or dress
"a modest neckline in her dress"; "though one of her shoulder straps had slipped down, she was perfectly decent by current standards"
properly, decently, decent, in good order, right, the right way(adverb)in the right manner
"please do your job properly!"; "can't you carry me decent?"
conforming to a high standard of morality or virtueas decent and kind a couple as you could ever hope to meet
following the accepted rules of moral conductdemanded nothing less than decent behavior by the troops serving overseas
following the established traditions of refined society and good tastedecent clothing for someone attending a funeral, if only as a friend of a friend
free from any trace of the coarse or indecentstudents were warned that their skits could be funny but still had to remain decent
of a level of quality that meets one's needs or standardshe did a decent job on the project, but there's still room for improvement
I want Tom to have a decent life.
I want Tom to have a chance for a decent life.
I want to buy a decent guitar.
I thought you were a decent young woman.
With this much money, I could buy a very decent used car.
What we want is a chance to earn a decent living.
If you want your workers to be happy, you need to pay them a decent wage.
No decent people go to that place.
Recently, many people are finding it hard to make a decent living.
Tom has a decent salary.