Pronounce Mute as M UW T EH.
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a deaf person who is unable to speak
mute(adj)a device used to soften the tone of a musical instrument
mute, tongueless, unspoken, wordless(adj)expressed without speech
"a mute appeal"; "a silent curse"; "best grief is tongueless"- Emily Dickinson; "the words stopped at her lips unsounded"; "unspoken grief"; "choking exasperation and wordless shame"- Thomas Wolfe
dumb, mute, silent(verb)unable to speak because of hereditary deafness
muffle, mute, dull, damp, dampen, tone down(verb)deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping
unable to speakthe child is both deaf and mute because her hearing was lost at birth
deliberately refraining from speechremained mute no matter how much we pleaded for an answer
a device on a musical instrument that deadens or softens its toneI was practicing my trumpet at three in the morning when the mute fell out, and I managed to wake everyone up
to stop the noise or speech ofmuted the television while she was on the phone
to deaden the sound ofclosing the windows muted the traffic noise so we could get to sleep
I commute to work for an hour.
The new highway shaves almost an hour off my commute time.
Do you commute to school by bus?
Deaf-mute people can use sign language to communicate.