Pronounce Nurse as N UW R S EH.
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to care for someone or something that is typically below optimal health
nurse(noun)one skilled in caring for young children or the sick (usually under the supervision of a physician)
nanny, nursemaid, nurse(verb)a woman who is the custodian of children
nurse(verb)try to cure by special care of treatment, of an illness or injury
"He nursed his cold with Chinese herbs"
harbor, harbour, hold, entertain, nurse(verb)maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings)
"bear a grudge"; "entertain interesting notions"; "harbor a resentment"
nurse(verb)serve as a nurse; care for sick or handicapped people
nurse(verb)treat carefully
"He nursed his injured back by lying in bed several hours every afternoon"; "He nursed the flowers in his garden and fertilized them regularly"
breastfeed, suckle, suck, nurse, wet-nurse, lactate, give suck(verb)give suck to
"The wetnurse suckled the infant"; "You cannot nurse your baby in public in some places"
a person employed to care for a young child or childrensent his little son back to his nurse so that he could return to his study to work
to attend to the needs and comforts ofwillingly lent a hand to nurse his grandmother in her final years, helping her get from one room to the other and making sure she was warm
to give milk to from the breasta new mother's decision to nurse her baby
to keep in one's mind or hearthe continues to nurse a tender affection for his first girlfriend
to treat with great or excessive carenursed his sprained ankle for the rest of the week
to bring to maturity through care and educationas foster parents they accepted and nursed 16 needy children over the years
to help the growth or development ofher teachers did much to nurse her literary talent
to use or give out in stingy amountshe carefully nursed his energy during the marathon so that he would have something left for the final stretch
The nurse gave me a shot.
I now understand that the woman I thought was a nurse is a doctor.
I need a nurse now.
A nurse took my temperature.
The nurse took my blood pressure.
The nurse has taken my blood pressure.
The nurse told me to list all the medications I was taking.
The nurse tied a rubber tube around my arm before he drew blood.
I learned that woman I thought was a nurse is, in fact, a doctor.
I found out that the woman I thought was a nurse was actually a doctor.