Pronounce Patience as P AH T IY EH N K EH.
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tolerating and enduring frustrating, time-consuming and problems with ease and composure
patience, forbearance, longanimity(noun)good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence
solitaire, patience(noun)a card game played by one person
the capacity to endure what is difficult or disagreeable without complainingthe teacher's patience is being sorely tested this year by several parents who seem to have no interest in their children's education
My patience gave out.
Your patience irritates me.
My patience is wearing thin.
I am losing my patience with you.
Sometimes you try my patience too much.
You need to learn what patience is.
Their patience was about to give out.
You must have a lot of patience to learn foreign languages.
He lost his patience and hit the boy.
Patience is sometimes the most effective weapon.