Pronounce Representative as R EH P R EH S EH N T AH T IY V EH.
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a delegate or agent that is chosen or appointed to act or speak for another or others
representative(noun)a person who represents others
spokesperson, interpreter, representative, voice(noun)an advocate who represents someone else's policy or purpose
"the meeting was attended by spokespersons for all the major organs of government"
congressman, congresswoman, representative(noun)a member of the United States House of Representatives
example, illustration, instance, representative(adj)an item of information that is typical of a class or group
"this patient provides a typical example of the syndrome"; "there is an example on page 10"
representative(adj)serving to represent or typify
"representative moviegoers"; "a representative modern play"
representative(adj)standing for something else
"the bald eagle is representative of the United States"
representative(adj)being or characteristic of government by representation in which citizens exercise power through elected officers and representatives
"representative government as defined by Abraham Lincoln is government of the people, by the people, for the people"
having or showing the qualities associated with the members of a particular group or kinda representative example of what that talented chef can do with even simple ingredients
having the function or meaning of an object or figure that stands for something elsea red cross on this map is representative of a hospital or other medical facility
a person who acts or does business for anothera representative from the car dealership called to ask how we were enjoying the new car
a person sent on a mission to represent anotherI speak on this matter as a representative of the people of the U.S.
one of a group or collection that shows what the whole is likethis song is a fairly good representative of the other songs on the album
Tom has always favored representative government.
Who is the current representative from France?
You elect your representative by voting.