How to pronounce splendid


Pronounce Splendid as S P L EH N D IY D.

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Phonetic transcription for splendid

  • Traditional IPA Phonetic transcription of splendid: | splɛndɪd |
  • Modern IPA Phonetic transcription of splendid: | splɛndɪd |

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Meanings for splendid

extremely beautiful and impressive

glorious, resplendent, splendid, splendiferous(adj)

having great beauty and splendor

"a glorious spring morning"; "a glorious sunset"; "splendid costumes"; "a kind of splendiferous native simplicity"

excellent, first-class, fantabulous, splendid(adj)

very good;of the highest quality

"made an excellent speech"; "the school has excellent teachers"; "a first-class mind"

brilliant, glorious, magnificent, splendid(adj)

characterized by grandeur

"the brilliant court life at Versailles"; "a glorious work of art"; "magnificent cathedrals"; "the splendid coronation ceremony"

large and impressive in size, grandeur, extent, or conception

a splendid mansion in the Georgian style

of the very best kind

the restaurant's chef can always be relied upon to prepare a splendid dinner

giving off or reflecting much light

a splendid diamond that must have been worth a king's ransom

Example Sentences of splendid

A splendid idea occurred to John.

What a good scholar the author must be to write such a splendid book!

The more worthless the plant, the more rapid and splendid is its growth.

You did a splendid job.

Can you imagine him driving such a splendid car?

He hit on a splendid idea.

She was wearing a splendid outfit.

We had a splendid dinner that evening.

Synonyms for splendid

fantabulous splendiferous magnificent excellent resplendent first class glorious brilliant superb bright smart as a whip brainy vivid marvellous great beautiful clarified clear comminuted dainty delicate elegant exquisite fine gauzy handsome keen minute nice polished pure refined sensitive sharp slender slight small smooth subtile subtle tenuous thin showy sumptuous gorgeous pompous imposing illustrious famous heroic grand signal shining glowing effulgent refulgent lustrous radiant beaming kingly conspicuous eminent distinguished pre eminent remarkable celebrated sublime lofty noble wonderful fantastic wondrous outstanding august baronial epic gallant grandiose heroical Homeric imperial magnific majestic massive monumental proud regal royal stately A OK A1 awesome bang up banner blue chip blue ribbon boffo bonny bonnie boss brag brave bully bumper capital choice classic cool corking crackerjack cracking dandy divine dope down dynamite fab fabulous first rate first string five star four star frontline gangbusters gangbuster gilt edged gilt edge gone groovy heavenly high class hot hype immense jim dandy lovely marvelous mean neat nifty number one No. 1 numero uno out of sight par excellence peachy peachy keen phat prime primo prize prizewinning quality radical righteous sensational slick stellar sterling superior superlative supernal swell terrific tip top top top notch top of the line top shelf topflight topping unsurpassed wizard bedazzling candescent dazzling fulgent incandescent lambent lucent lucid luminous sheeny shiny

Splendid in different languages

  • رائعArabic
  • esplèndid Catalan
  • hervorragend prächtig glänzend German
  • θαυμάσιος μεγαλοπρεπής Greek
  • loistava Finnish
  • fameux splendide French
  • ard-yindyssaghManx
  • शानदार Hindi
  • tündöklő ragyogó remek pompás nagyszerű tüneményes Hungarian
  • փայլուն պերճ Armenian
  • megah Indonesian
  • splendido Italian
  • 立派, 華麗, 見事, 輝かしい, 豪華, 素敵Japanese
  • grezns krāšņs Latvian
  • esplêndido Portuguese
  • превосходный великолепный Russian
  • nidikVolapuk

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