Pronounce Tangible as T AH N G IY B L EH.
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capable of being touched
tangible, touchable(adj)perceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch
"skin with a tangible roughness"
real, tangible(adj)capable of being treated as fact
"tangible evidence"; "his brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor"
tangible(adj)(of especially business assets) having physical substance and intrinsic monetary value
"tangible property like real estate"; "tangible assets such as machinery"
palpable, tangible(adj)capable of being perceived; especially capable of being handled or touched or felt
"a barely palpable dust"; "felt sudden anger in a palpable wave"; "the air was warm and close--palpable as cotton"; "a palpable lie"
capable of being perceived by the sense of toucha firm belief in the existence of the soul, even though it is not at all tangible
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