Pronounce Thoroughly as T HH OW R OW UW G HH L Y.
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in an exhaustive manner
"we searched the files thoroughly"
thoroughly, soundly, good(adverb)completely and absolutely (`good' is sometimes used informally for `thoroughly')
"he was soundly defeated"; "we beat him good"
with attention to all aspects or detailsthey researched the issue thoroughly before deciding how to vote
to a full extent or degreeI am thoroughly satisfied with her explanation of the events of that evening
I consider Tom a thoroughly responsible individual.
When I reached the summit, I was thoroughly worn out.
I thoroughly enjoyed myself at the Van Dorgen Exhibition.
Tom seems to be thoroughly enjoying himself.
Tom was thoroughly depressed.
We thoroughly enjoyed the delicious meal.
They got thoroughly wet in the rain.
The police thoroughly searched the house.
He is thoroughly familiar with the business.
We went over the house thoroughly before buying it.