Pronounce Camouflage as K AH M OW UW F L AH G EH.
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a means or attempt to conceal something
disguise, camouflage(noun)an outward semblance that misrepresents the true nature of something
"the theatrical notion of disguise is always associated with catastrophe in his stories"
camouflage, camo(noun)fabric dyed with splotches of green and brown and black and tan; intended to make the wearer of a garment made of this fabric hard to distinguish from the background
camouflage(noun)device or stratagem for concealment or deceit
disguise, camouflage(verb)the act of concealing the identity of something by modifying its appearance
"he is a master of disguise"
camouflage(verb)disguise by camouflaging; exploit the natural surroundings to disguise something
"The troops camouflaged themselves before they went into enemy territory"
clothing put on to hide one's true identity or imitate someone or something elsethe soldiers must wear protective jungle camouflage while on patrol
to change the dress or looks of so as to conceal true identitycamouflaged the military camp as a native village
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