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  1. of, occurring on, or relating to the planet Venus


  1. (in science fiction) an inhabitant of Venus


  1. neat or spruce


  1. to make or become trim or spruce


  1. a wedge or prop


  1. to block or stop
  2. to prop or support

abbreviation for

  1. trigonometrical
  2. trigonometry


  1. any of several agile arboreal musteline mammals of the genus Martes, of Europe, Asia, and North America, having bushy tails and golden brown to blackish fur See also pine marten
  2. the highly valued fur of these animals, esp that of M. americana


  1. another name for whittret


  1. (dialect ) a male weasel

  1. a fee formerly paid to a miller for grinding grain
  2. the right to receive such a fee


  1. (informal ) quite; rather   ⇒ He looked kinda cool but kinda young. , I'd kinda like to have a sheep farm.


  1. of or relating to anabolism

  1. having a common or similar origin

British English : kitsch You can refer to a work of art or an object as kitsch if it is showy and thought by some people to be in bad taste. NOUN...a hideous ballgown verging on the kitsch.


  1. tawdry, vulgarized, or pretentious art, literature, etc, usually with popular or sentimental appeal (as modifier)   ⇒ a kitsch plaster bust of Beethoven
  2. tawdry, vulgarized, or pretentious art, literature, etc, usually with popular or sentimental appeal
  3. (as modifier)   ⇒ a kitsch plaster bust of Beethoven
  4. tawdry, vulgarized, or pretentious art, literature, etc, usually with popular or sentimental appeal
  5. (as modifier)   ⇒ a kitsch plaster bust of Beethoven

noun , verb

  1. the US spelling of centre


  1. (geometry ) the midpoint of any line or figure, esp the point within a circle or sphere that is equidistant from any point on the circumference or surface the point within a body through which a specified force may be considered to act, such as the centre of gravity
  2. the midpoint of any line or figure, esp the point within a circle or sphere that is equidistant from any point on the circumference or surface
  3. the point within a body through which a specified force may be considered to act, such as the centre of gravity
  4. the point, axis, or pivot about which a body rotates
  5. a point, area, or part that is approximately in the middle of a larger area or volume
  6. a place at which some specified activity is concentrated   ⇒ a shopping centre
  7. a person or thing that is a focus of interest
  8. a place of activity or influence   ⇒ a centre of power
  9. a person, group, policy, or thing in the middle
  10. (usually capital) (politics ) a political party or group favouring moderation, esp the moderate members of a legislative assembly (as modifier)   ⇒ a Centre-Left alliance
  11. a political party or group favouring moderation, esp the moderate members of a legislative assembly
  12. (as modifier)   ⇒ a Centre-Left alliance
  13. (physiology ) any part of the central nervous system that regulates a specific function   ⇒ respiratory centre
  14. a bar with a conical point upon which a workpiece or part may be turned or ground
  15. a punch mark or small conical hole in a part to be drilled, which enables the point of the drill to be located accurately
  16. (sport ) a player who plays in the middle of the forward line the act or an instance of passing the ball from a wing to the middle of the field, court, etc
  17. a player who plays in the middle of the forward line
  18. the act or an instance of passing the ball from a wing to the middle of the field, court, etc
  19. (basketball ) the position of a player who jumps for the ball at the start of play the player in this position
  20. the position of a player who jumps for the ball at the start of play
  21. the player in this position
  22. (archery ) the ring around the bull's eye a shot that hits this ring
  23. the ring around the bull's eye
  24. a shot that hits this ring
  25. the midpoint of any line or figure, esp the point within a circle or sphere that is equidistant from any point on the circumference or surface
  26. the point within a body through which a specified force may be considered to act, such as the centre of gravity
  27. a political party or group favouring moderation, esp the moderate members of a legislative assembly
  28. (as modifier)   ⇒ a Centre-Left alliance
  29. a player who plays in the middle of the forward line
  30. the act or an instance of passing the ball from a wing to the middle of the field, court, etc
  31. the position of a player who jumps for the ball at the start of play
  32. the player in this position
  33. the ring around the bull's eye
  34. a shot that hits this ring


  1. to move towards, mark, put, or be at a centre
  2. (transitive) to focus or bring together   ⇒ to centre one's thoughts
  3. (intransitive) often foll by on to have as a main point of view or theme   ⇒ the novel centred on crime
  4. (transitive) to adjust or locate (a workpiece or part) using a centre
  5. (intransitive; followed by on or round) to have as a centre
  6. (transitive) (sport ) to pass (the ball) into the middle of the field or court

Word of the day
American politician

William Henry Koontz

American politician