Pronounce Ignore as IY G N OW R EH.
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refusing to acknowledge someone or something
ignore, disregard, snub, cut(verb)refuse to acknowledge
"She cut him dead at the meeting"
dismiss, disregard, brush aside, brush off, discount, push aside, ignore(verb)bar from attention or consideration
"She dismissed his advances"
ignore(verb)fail to notice
neglect, ignore, disregard(verb)give little or no attention to
"Disregard the errors"
ignore(verb)be ignorant of or in the dark about
to fail to give proper attention toignoring your health now will haunt you further down the road
to dismiss as of little importancealthough the movie is a cinematic tour de force, one can't ignore the fact that it seriously distorts history
I just ignore Tom.
Why do you ignore me?
I chose to ignore the problem.
I learned not to ignore my pain.
Do you want me to just ignore it?
I tried to get Tom to ignore Mary.
I believe the police will ignore you.
If the phone rings again, I will ignore it.
If the phone rings again, I plan to ignore it.
I want you to ignore the pain.