Pronounce Oblivious as OW B L IY V IY OW UW S.
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unaware of what is present or occurring
oblivious(p), unmindful(p)(adj)(followed by `to' or `of') lacking conscious awareness of
"oblivious of the mounting pressures for political reform"; "oblivious to the risks she ran"; "not unmindful of the heavy responsibility"
forgetful, oblivious(adj)failing to keep in mind
"forgetful of her responsibilities"; "oblivious old age"
not informed about or aware of somethingthe out-of-state motorist claimed to be oblivious of the local speed limit, even though the signs must have been hard to miss
My father is oblivious to the emotional pain his abuse caused me.
She was so preoccupied that she was oblivious of her surroundings.