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yellow color or pigment; the chromatic color resembling the hue of sunflowers or ripe lemons
yellow, yellowish, xanthous(adj)of the color intermediate between green and orange in the color spectrum; of something resembling the color of an egg yolk
chicken, chickenhearted, lily-livered, white-livered, yellow, yellow-bellied(adj)easily frightened
yellow, yellowed(adj)changed to a yellowish color by age
"yellowed parchment"
scandalmongering, sensationalistic, yellow(a)(adj)typical of tabloids
"sensational journalistic reportage of the scandal"; "yellow press"
yellow(adj)cowardly or treacherous
"the little yellow stain of treason"-M.W.Straight; "too yellow to stand and fight"
jaundiced, icteric, yellow(verb)affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of skin etc
yellow(verb)turn yellow
"The pages of the book began to yellow"
having or showing a shameful lack of courageyou'll come with us into the cave, unless you're yellow
It looked yellow to me.
My mother bought my brother a yellow umbrella.
I love my yellow sweater.
Mother bought my brother a yellow umbrella.
Tom picked out a yellow shirt for me to try on.
My mother bought my little brother a yellow umbrella.
Seeing the woman with the yellow hat reminded me of a story.
Tom looked in the yellow pages to find a used car dealer.
Tom owns a yellow sports car.
Tom took notes on a yellow legal pad.