Pronounce Drank as D R AH N K.
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we went inside to have a drink after mowing the lawn
the portion of a serving of a beverage that is swallowed at one timethe thirsty soldier took a long drink from his canteen
a distilled beverage that can make a person drunkyou can get drinks at the bar only if you show them a valid ID
to swallow in liquid formthe doctor wants her to drink lots of water before the examination
to partake excessively of alcoholic beverageswe're worried that she's started drinking again
to take in (something liquid) through small openingsthe hot surface of the porous rock drank water like a sponge
to receive or accept gladly or readilythe studio audience for the infomercial seemed to drink in—a little too readily—every word of the host's spiel
I drank milk.
I drank coffee.
I drank the wine.
I drank the water.
I drank the coffee.
I drank a lot of beer.
I drank beer last night.
I drank two cups of coffee.
I drank too much coffee today.
I think I drank a bit too much.
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