Pronounce Welcome as W EH L K OW M EH.
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to greet someone in a polite or friendly way
welcome(noun)the state of being welcome
"don't outstay your welcome"
welcome(adj)a greeting or reception
"the proposal got a warm welcome"
welcome(verb)giving pleasure or satisfaction or received with pleasure or freely granted
"a welcome relief"; "a welcome guest"; "made the children feel welcome"; "you are welcome to join us"
welcome(verb)accept gladly
"I welcome your proposals"
welcome, receive(verb)bid welcome to; greet upon arrival
welcome(verb)receive someone, as into one's house
giving pleasure or contentment to the mind or sensesa welcome chance to rest after a long journey
an expression of goodwill upon meetingoffered a warm welcome to the stranger
to receive or accept gladly or readilythe eager recruits welcomed every new project with which they were presented
Welcome to my home.
Welcome to my life.
I thought we were welcome here.
Please help me welcome Mr.
He rose from his chair to welcome me.
You are not welcome in my home anymore.
You are welcome to the use of my yacht.
On behalf of the company, I welcome you.
You are welcome to any book in my library.
I welcome any corrections or additions to these minutes.