Pronounce Impossible as IY M P OW S S IY B L EH.
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not possible; not able to be done or happen
impossible(adj)something that cannot be done
"his assignment verged on the impossible"
impossible(adj)not capable of occurring or being accomplished or dealt with
"an impossible dream"; "an impossible situation"
impossible, inconceivable, out of the question, unimaginable(adj)totally unlikely
impossible, insufferable, unacceptable, unsufferable(adj)used of persons or their behavior
"impossible behavior"; "insufferable insolence"
incapable of being solved or accomplished the seemingly impossible problem of world hungerfitting everything in my backpack seemed an impossible task
I found it impossible to do the job in a day.
I found it impossible to get in contact with him.
It is impossible for me to do so.
It is impossible for me to help you.
That job is impossible for me to do.
Running so fast is impossible for me.
I found it impossible to lift the box.
I found it impossible to cross the road.
I knew it would be impossible for me to win.
I found it impossible to beat him at English.