Pronounce Insane as IY N S AH N EH.
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being of an irrational or crazy mental state
insane(adj)afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement
"was declared insane"; "insane laughter"
harebrained, insane, mad(adj)very foolish
"harebrained ideas"; "took insane risks behind the wheel"; "a completely mad scheme to build a bridge between two mountains"
having or showing a very abnormal or sick state of mindonly an insane person would intentionally jump off a skyscraper
conceived or made without regard for reason or realitya completely insane plan to build an opera house in the middle of nowhere
showing or marked by a lack of good sense or judgmentan insane plan to blow all of their savings on lottery tickets
going beyond a normal or acceptable limit in degree or amountwanted an insane amount of money to paint our house
Tom was sent away to an insane asylum.
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