Pronounce Thirsty as T HH IY R S T Y.
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to be slightly dehydrated or dry
thirsty(adj)needing moisture
"thirsty fields under a rainless sky"
thirsty(adj)feeling a need or desire to drink
"after playing hard the children were thirsty"
athirst(p), hungry(p), thirsty(p)(adj)(usually followed by `for') extremely desirous
"athirst for knowledge"; "hungry for recognition"; "thirsty for informaton"
thirsty(adj)able to take in large quantities of moisture
"thirsty towels"
marked by little or no precipitation or humiditystruggling to survive in that hot and thirsty climate
showing urgent desire or interestyoung athletes thirsty for a chance to prove themselves
able to soak up liquids especially readilyguest bathrooms are furnished with luxuriously thick, thirsty towels
I was very thirsty and I wanted to drink something cold.
Give water to the thirsty and food to the hungry.
Provide water to the thirsty and food to the hungry.
He is thirsty for fame.
He was very thirsty and asked for some water.
They were very tired, hungry, and thirsty that night.
Children who are thirsty should drink water.