Pronounce Advantage as AH D V AH N T AH G EH.
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a condition or circumstance that gives someone a greater chance of success
advantage, vantage(noun)the quality of having a superior or more favorable position
"the experience gave him the advantage over me"
advantage(noun)(tennis) first point scored after deuce
advantage, reward(verb)benefit resulting from some event or action
"it turned out to my advantage"; "reaping the rewards of generosity"
advantage(verb)give an advantage to
"This system advantages the rich"
the more favorable condition or position in a competitionyour experience volunteering at the hospital will put you at an advantage when you're applying for a job there
a thing that helpshad all the advantages of being born into a wealthy and powerful family
to provide with something useful or desirablethere's no question that that bicycle racer was significantly advantaged by a great set of genes
I wonder what the advantage of this technique is.
He took advantage of me.
I was taken advantage of.
You took advantage of me.
She has an advantage over me.
He took advantage of my youth.
I want to take advantage of it.
I took advantage of an opportunity.
She took advantage of my ignorance.
I wish to take advantage of your offer.