Pronounce Rigid as R IY G IY D.
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unwilling to alter one’s behaviors or views
rigid, stiff(adj)incapable of or resistant to bending
"a rigid strip of metal"; "a table made of rigid plastic"; "a palace guardsman stiff as a poker"; "stiff hair"; "a stiff neck"
rigid, strict(adj)incapable of compromise or flexibility
inflexible, rigid, unbending(adj)incapable of adapting or changing to meet circumstances
"a rigid disciplinarian"; "an inflexible law"; "an unbending will to dominate"
rigid(adj)designating an airship or dirigible having a form maintained by a stiff unyielding frame or structure
fixed, set, rigid(adj)fixed and unmoving
"with eyes set in a fixed glassy stare"; "his bearded face already has a set hollow look"- Connor Cruise O'Brien; "a face rigid with pain"
not allowing for any exceptions or loosening of standardsrigid enforcement of drug laws
given to exacting standards of discipline and self-restrainta rigid man who cannot seem to relax
having a consistency that does not easily yield to pressurerigid steel bars that should be able to hold the weight
incapable of or highly resistant to bendingcorsets, those rigid undergarments for women, must have been murder to wear
stretched with little or no givemake sure that the clothesline is rigid so that the longer garments don't drag on the ground
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