Pronounce Got as G OW T.
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I'm not sure I ever got the new math
to become affected with (a disease or disorder)don't cough on me—I don't want to get your cold
to become the father ofAbraham was quite old when he got Isaac, his only son
to cause (someone) to agree with a belief or course of action by using arguments or earnest requeststried to get the mayor to let us stage the concert in the town square, but she refused
to come upon after searching, study, or effortredid the math problem until I got the right answer
to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable actscontinuously clearing your throat like that is starting to get to me
to eventually have as a state or qualityit's going to get colder as winter approaches
to receive as return for effortgot an A on his final paper
to have a clear idea ofshe was speaking so fast—did you get what she said?
to take physical control or possession of (something) suddenly or forciblythe defense tackled the running back and got the ball
to leave a place often for anotherwill get away to the Bahamas for a vacation
to achieve a victory overyou may have won this game, but I'll get you next time
to transmit information or requests toI've been trying all day, but I can't get either of them in order to ask the question
to put to death deliberately"I'll get you if you talk to the cops," the loan shark warned
to throw into a state of mental uncertaintywhat gets me is why she would do such a weird thing
the descendants of a person, animal, or plantin some animal species, a new mate will refuse to raise another male's get
I got it.
I got cut.
I got hit.
I got mad.
I got busy.
I got hurt.
I got lost.
I got sick.
You got me.
I forgot it.