How to pronounce spoil


Pronounce Spoil as S P OW IY L.

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Phonetic transcription for spoil

  • Traditional IPA Phonetic transcription of spoil: | spoʊɪl |
  • Modern IPA Phonetic transcription of spoil: | spɒɪl |

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Meanings for spoil

to lessen the value or worth of something


(usually plural) valuables taken by violence (especially in war)

"to the victor belong the spoils of the enemy"

spoil, spoiling, spoilage(noun)

the act of spoiling something by causing damage to it

"her spoiling my dress was deliberate"

spoil, spoliation, spoilation, despoilation, despoilment, despoliation(verb)

the act of stripping and taking by force

botch, bodge, bumble, fumble, botch up, muff, blow, flub, screw up, ball up, spoil, muck up, bungle, fluff, bollix, bollix up, bollocks, bollocks up, bobble, mishandle, louse up, foul up, mess up, fuck up(verb)

make a mess of, destroy or ruin

"I botched the dinner and we had to eat out"; "the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement"

spoil, go bad(verb)

become unfit for consumption or use

"the meat must be eaten before it spoils"

corrupt, spoil(verb)

alter from the original

pamper, featherbed, cosset, cocker, baby, coddle, mollycoddle, spoil, indulge(verb)

treat with excessive indulgence

"grandparents often pamper the children"; "Let's not mollycoddle our students!"

thwart, queer, spoil, scotch, foil, cross, frustrate, baffle, bilk(verb)

hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of

"What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge"; "foil your opponent"

itch, spoil(verb)

have a strong desire or urge to do something

"She is itching to start the project"; "He is spoiling for a fight"

rape, spoil, despoil, violate, plunder(verb)

destroy and strip of its possession

"The soldiers raped the beautiful country"

mar, impair, spoil, deflower, vitiate(verb)

make imperfect

"nothing marred her beauty"

valuables stolen or taken by force

the bandits escaped with their lives but not with the spoils

to affect slightly with something morally bad or undesirable

too much coddling will spoil the child

to go through decomposition

the meat has spoiled

to reduce the soundness, effectiveness, or perfection of

know when to stop, for an unnecessary brushstroke can spoil a painted portrait

to treat with great or excessive care

when they were newlyweds, the wife tended to spoil her husband, but she soon got over that

Example Sentences of spoil

That proposal may be a way to kill two birds with one stone, but we also have to be careful not to get greedy and spoil everything.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Spare the rod and spoil the child.

The meat will spoil quickly in such hot weather.

Does milk spoil quickly?

Synonyms for spoil

spoliation despoilation despoilment spoilation spoilage despoliation spoiling vitiate stammer mud plunder impair drift pamper hot up flub suck featherbed mar gasconade squander ruffle up boast heat up vaunt itch screw up ball up mire frustrate corrupt bluster gas deflower muck up rape tease grope violate bollocks mollycoddle bungle bollocks up fumble muck shove along shove off foil stutter blow bollix rumple coddle cosset shoot a line scotch go bad ruffle baby cross louse up fellate float botch up bodge mess up brag bobble baffle muff be adrift fluff mess mishandle tout foul up swash blunder indulge despoil waste go down on stumble blow out bollix up botch thwart bilk bumble falter cocker burn out misconduct mismanage die fail conk out break give out go break down give way subvert demoralise cloud misdirect debase pervert demoralize sully profane defile taint deprave buy bribe debauch gratify luxuriate pander sweep dumbfound scupper mystify cut through span dun crucify regulate bedevil interbreed stick cut across elude get over puzzle gravel beat intersect evade rag torment amaze bewilder peril crossbreed get perplex traverse pass over pose vex endanger stupefy flummox track hybridize cover get across expose hybridise nonplus rub scratch foray dishonour rifle ravish dishonor pillage transgress loot desecrate sack offend breach go against infract strip outrage ransack assault reave ruin invalidate mutilate void damage destroy decay decompose molder putrefy rot rob devastate denude deteriorate fleece ravage injure harm disfigure steal pilfer engage in robbery be corrupted BOOTY prey rapine striker booty swag blemish darken poison stain tarnish touch disintegrate fester foul mold perish bloody compromise crab cripple cross (up) deface endamage flaw hurt dandle nurse wet nurse

Spoil in different languages

  • غنيمةArabic
  • espoliar Catalan
  • lup kořist zkazit rozmazlit Czech
  • beute ruinieren verderben verwöhnen German
  • αλλοιώνω καλομαθαίνω χαλάω κόβω μυρίζω προδίδω λάφυρο λεία μπάζα καταστρέφω αμαυρώνω κακομαθαίνω αλλοιώνομαι ξινίζω μαρτυράω Greek
  • botín agriar despojar dañar echar a perder estropear chiquear descomponerse echarse a perder espoliar arruinar malcriar consentir Spanish
  • از بین بردن Persian
  • ryöstösaalis sotasaalis jätemaa louhe hemmotella hapantua mädäntyä saalis jätemassa pilata ruoppausmassa lelliä pilaantua mädätä Finnish
  • butin gâter dépouille gâcher tourner French
  • mill Irish
  • התקלקל, שללHebrew
  • gate
  • megsavanyodik elkényeztet megromlik zsákmány rongál tönkretesz Hungarian
  • domajarEsperanto
  • rovinare bottino viziare Italian
  • 略奪品, 利権, 傷める, こわす, 甘やかす, 廃棄物, 傷つける, だめ, 台無し, 腐るJapanese
  • kōpekaMaori
  • verbrodden verwennen bederven buit verprutsen Dutch
  • pilhagem saque arruinar butim estragar mimar Portuguese
  • răsfăța pradă strica ruina Romanian
  • испортить повреждать баловать избаловать испортиться трофей портить повредить прокиснуть скиснуть Russian
  • byte fördärva Swedish
  • பாழ் Tamil
  • పాడుTegulu
  • bozulmak çürümek yağma mahvetmek üzerine titremek Turkish
  • псуватиUkrainian

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