Pronounce Bitter as B IY T T EH R.
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agitated, disgruntled, or angry about something
bitter(noun)English term for a dry sharp-tasting ale with strong flavor of hops (usually on draft)
bitter, bitterness(noun)the taste experience when quinine or coffee is taken into the mouth
bitterness, bitter(adj)the property of having a harsh unpleasant taste
acrimonious, bitter(adj)marked by strong resentment or cynicism
"an acrimonious dispute"; "bitter about the divorce"
bitter(adj)very difficult to accept or bear
"the bitter truth"; "a bitter sorrow"
acerb, acerbic, acid, acrid, bitter, blistering, caustic, sulfurous, sulphurous, virulent, vitriolic(adj)harsh or corrosive in tone
"an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose"; "a barrage of acid comments"; "her acrid remarks make her many enemies"; "bitter words"; "blistering criticism"; "caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics"; "a sulfurous denunciation"; "a vitriolic critique"
bitter(adj)expressive of severe grief or regret
"shed bitter tears"
bitter(adj)proceeding from or exhibiting great hostility or animosity
"a bitter struggle"; "bitter enemies"
bitter(adj)causing a sharp and acrid taste experience;"quinine is bitter"
biting, bitter(verb)causing a sharply painful or stinging sensation; used especially of cold
"bitter cold"; "a biting wind"
bitter(adverb)make bitter
piercingly, bitterly, bitingly, bitter(adverb)extremely and sharply
"it was bitterly cold"; "bitter cold"
having or showing deep-seated resentment a bitter attitude about always having to work on Saturdayshe's still bitter about how her family treated her so unfairly
hard to accept or bear especially emotionallydiscovering that he had been cut from the crew team was a bitter disappointment
causing intense discomfort to one's skina bitter wind was stinging the faces of the skiers
difficult to endurea bitter lesson about money and friendship
having a low or subnormal temperaturea bitter February day for this part of the country
uncomfortably coola bitter, rainy day
expressing or suggesting mourninga bitter cry of grief
not giving pleasure to the mind or senseshad to face the bitter truth about their marriage
She is very bitter toward me.
The coffee is too bitter for me to drink.
I had a bad cough, so I took the bitter medicine.
She endured to the bitter end.
Tom gave a bitter laugh.
The Allies were filled with bitter anger.
We were all shaking from the bitter cold.
We had many bitter experiences during the war.
Why are you so bitter against her?
He had a bitter experience.